That's kind of a punny title, considering that the weekly blog is taking a little break so that I can concentrate on bringing good content to my socials this week about breathing challenges.
I'd encourage you to follow along on my Instagram or Facebook pages this week to get a look at what some folks are studying and implementing for those who have chronic breathing problems, especially those with lingering Covid symptoms. (Plus, you'll get weekly Sunday Pun-Day posts, and those are my favorite.) I'll be back next week with some more regular content.
You can also register for this month's Pedagogy Happy Hour, which will be a deep dive into research-based ideas for working with singers who have chronic breathing illnesses or challenges. I'll be joined by my pal and colleague Dr. Leanne Wade, MT-BC to talk about her doctoral research on singing with clients with COPD. It's going to be a fascinating look at how folks with COPD used singing to get some relief. I hope you'll join us!