Wanna learn something new? Sleep on it.
Analyzing Research on Register Transitions
Love Your Ears
Sing Bright Like a Diamond
Phonation Threshold Pressure: What it is and why you care
Sumer is Icumen in, lhude sing "what continuing ed am I going to do??"
The first step in teaching clients who are older than you.
There's always pressure in your singing.
A Choir of One: Teaching Choral Pedagogy in the Private Lesson
First, do no harm.
Do Your Own Research
Learning styles: Too good to be true?
PRESSURE! When Sinuses Attack.
You say "Vocal Cords." I say "Vocal Folds." Let's call the whole thing off!
Achieving Your Continuing Education Dreams
How do we actually sing in tune?
Creating Awareness of Breathing Muscles
Your Brain Is Your Friend...Except When It's Not
Intercostals: Essential Partners in Breathing
Pedagogy Happy Hour for September: Singing for those with chronic breathing problems